
Prime Time Slot Meaning

The latest Instagram algorithm prioritizes new posts over older posts, meaning that you need to know when most of your followers are using the app so you can post during those time slots. To figure out your own best time to post on Instagram, make sure you take a look at these major things that can either make or break the engagement you get. OTT audience is not defined by prime time although there are surges in viewership at certain times of a day. For them, anytime is prime time. But that ‘anytime’ isn’t a feasible option for.

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Related to prime: prime time, Prime bank, Prime Suspect, Amazon Prime

cut (one) down in (one's) prime

To cause the sudden end of something, such as one's life, when one is at the peak of their skill or physical ability, or in their most successful or productive period. It's so tragic that cancer cut that renowned tennis player down in his prime.Yeah, I used to lift weights, but chronic injuries cut me down in my prime.

cut (one) off in (one's) prime

To cause the sudden end of something, such as one's life, when one is at the peak of their skill or physical ability, or in their most successful or productive period. It's so tragic that cancer cut that renowned tennis player off in his prime.Yeah, I used to lift weights, but chronic injuries cut me off in my prime.

in (one's) prime

In or during one's happiest, most successful time; in the period when one has the most energy, vitality, and potential. My father was in his prime when he was diagnosed with cancer.Back then, I was in my prime—if I was ever going to have a shot at the big time, that was it!

in (one's)/its prime

At the peak of skill or physical ability; in the most successful or productive period. In its prime, the company developed some of the most influential video games of all times.I used to be able to bench press over 250 pounds when I was in my prime.

in the prime of life

In one's happiest, most successful time; in the period when one has the most energy, vitality, and potential. Often structured as 'in the prime of (one's) life.' My father was in the prime of life when he was diagnosed with cancer.It's many a man and woman who, in old age, looks back on the prime of their lives with bittersweet nostalgia.

not ready for prime time

Not ready to be exposed to a wider or larger audience. I guess the rookie isn't ready for prime time yet—he's had three turnovers already.No, the app isn't ready for prime time quite yet—the development team is still dealing with some bugs.

past (someone's or something's) prime

No longer in an ideal state or condition. Many gymnasts are past their prime when they are only teenagers.This computer is so slow that it's definitely past its prime.

prime (someone or something) with (something)

To prepare someone or something (for some action or activity) by supplying them or it with something. You'll need to prime the lawn mower with three pumps of gasoline before you will be able to start it.He primed me with various pieces of advice and information ahead of my meeting with the prime minister.

prime mover

The person or thing that generates the initial energy or momentum for something to happen. The newly elected congresswoman has been the prime mover in the recent environmental reforms.While there was a confluence of events leading to his removal from office, it was the revelation of his tax evasion that was the prime mover.

prime the pump

To take action that encourages the growth of something or helps it to succeed. While the government was forced to slash public expenditures following the major economic crash, they've recently begun priming the pump again across the public sectors.The only way we'll get this project off the ground is if one of the directors of the company primes the pump.

prime time

1. noun In TV broadcasting, the time slot from 7 to 11 PM, when viewership is typically at its highest. Is Grey's Anatomy the longest-running medical drama that has aired in prime time?If the network doesn't air that show in prime time, it will probably be canceled sooner than later.
2. noun Exposure to a wider or larger audience. I guess the rookie isn't ready for prime time yet—he's had three turnovers already.OK, the app is finally ready for prime time—the development team has fixed all those bugs.
3. noun A favorable or ideal time for some action or undertaking. With house prices skyrocketing in our neighborhood, I think it's prime time for us to sell.The dentist said that now is prime time for Beth to get her wisdom teeth pulled, before they start causing her pain.
4. adjective Describing a TV program broadcast between 7 and 11 PM. Typically hyphenated if used before a noun. Is Grey's Anatomy the longest-running prime-time medical drama?What is your favorite prime time TV show?


slang Drunk. We were all pretty well primed by the time we finished the third bottle of wine.The driver seemed primed to me, so I made her get out of the car and perform roadside sobriety test.

ready for prime time

Ready to be exposed to a wider or larger audience. Do you really think that rookie was ready for prime time? He's had three turnovers already.OK, the app is finally ready for prime time—the development team has fixed all those bugs.

the prime of life

Prime time slot meaning youtube
One's happiest, most successful time; the period when one has the most energy, vitality, and potential. Often structured as 'the prime of (one's) life.' My father was in the prime of life when he was diagnosed with cancer.It's many a man and woman who, in old age, looks back on the prime of their lives with bittersweet nostalgia.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in one's (or its) prime

Fig. at one's or its peak or best time. Our dog—which is in its prime—is very active.The building was in its prime back in the Fifties, but it has not been well maintained.I could work long hours when I was in my prime.

in the prime of life

Fig. in the best and most productive and healthy period of life. The good health of one's youth can carry over into the prime of life.He was struck down by a heart attack in the prime of life.

past someone's(or something's) prime

Fig. beyond the most useful or productive period. Joan was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime now. This old car's past its prime. I'll need to get a new one.

prime mover

Fig. the force that sets something going; someone or something that starts something off. The assistant manager was the prime mover in getting the manager sacked.Discontent with his job was the prime mover in John's deciding to retire early.

prime something with something

Prime Time Slot Meaning
to enable something to start working or functioning with something. Larry primed the pump with a little water, and it began to do its work.We will prime the market for our new product with a free coupon offer.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

past one's prime

Beyond the peak of one's powers, as in Jean still plays tennis but at 79 she's obviously past her prime. Also see the synonym over the hill; prime of life.

prime mover

The initial source of energy directed toward a goal, someone or something that sets others in motion. For example, Jean was the prime mover in getting us more laboratory space, or Patriotism was the prime mover of the revolution. [Late 1600s]

prime of life

The best years of one's life, when one is at the peak of one's powers, as in She was in the prime of life when she began to lose her sight. The related phrase in one's prime can be applied to objects as well as persons. For example, The roses were in their prime when you last saw them. In both idioms prime means 'first in quality or character.' [Early 1700s] Also see past one's prime.

prime the pump

Encourage the growth or action of something, as in Marjorie tried to prime the pump by offering some new issues for discussion. In the late 1800s this expression originally was used for pouring liquid into a pump to expel the air and make it work. In the 1930s it was applied to government efforts to stimulate the economy and thereafter was applied to other undertakings.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

prime the pump

COMMON If someone primes the pump, they take action to help something succeed or develop, usually by spending money on it. He said he would consider priming the pump through increased spending on roads or housing if the economy declined more rapidly than expected. Note: You can also talk about pump-priming, or say that someone pump-primes an economy or a project. I think we are going to have to do some more pump-priming in order to get the economy going.The plan offers a way of pump-priming an economy which is growing too slowly. Note: To prime a water pump means to pump it until it is full of water and all the air has been forced out, so that it is ready to be used.
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

cut someone off (or down) in their prime

bring someone's life or career to an abrupt end while they are at the peak of their abilities.

prime the pump

stimulate or support the growth or success of something, especially by supplying it with money.
This phrase is used literally of a mechanical pump into which a small quantity of water needs to be poured before it can begin to function.
1977TomSharpeThe Great Pursuit Significance is all…Prime the pump with meaningful hogwash.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in the prime of (your) ˈlife

at the time in your life when you are strongest or most successful: He was struck down in the prime of his life by a heart attack.What do you mean, I’m old? I’m still in the prime of life! OPPOSITE: be past your/its best

a prime ˈmover

Prime Time Slot Meaning Wikipedia

a person or a thing that starts something and has an important influence on its development: The prime mover in setting up the group was ex-lawyer James Stanley.Economic factors are the prime mover of change.
See also: mover, prime

prime the ˈpump

give somebody, an organization, etc. financial help in order to support a project, business, etc. when it is beginning: The government should really prime the pump in new high technology projects. That’s the only way they’ll be able to survive in the current economic climate. ▶ ˈpump-priming noun: The nation is relying on pump-priming to get the economy started.Originally, this was a way of making a pump work properly by adding water to it.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017


mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. The whole college was primed by midnight.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

prime the pump

See also: prime, pump
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

prime of life, the

The best years of one’s life, at the peak of one’s powers. The idea that there should be a particular time of flourishing is an ancient one. Plato in The Republic defined it as a period of about twenty years in a woman’s life and thirty in a man’s. Poets, among them Robert Herrick and John Milton, generally equated one’s youth with one’s prime. However, the eccentric schoolteacher-heroine of Muriel Spark’s novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (and the 1969 motion picture based on it) declared the years of her rapidly advancing middle age to be her prime.

prime the pump, to

To help something to succeed, as by contributing money to a cause. This Americanism dates from the nineteenth century and literally means to pour liquid into a pump so as to expel any air and make it operate. During the years of the Great Depression the phrase began to be used figuratively, at first for government measures to stimulate the lagging economy. In time it began to be used in a far more general fashion, as T. Sharpe did in The Great Pursuit (1977), “Significance is all . . . prime the pump with meaningful hogwash.”
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
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Prime Time Slot Meaning English

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[...] 29: Marktanteile 2005 in derPrime TimeDas Hörfunk-Jahr 2005 war [...]
vom Start des ersten bundesweiten Privatradios
'Kronehit' im Jänner, der erstmaligen Wiederzulassung von zwei Privatradiosendern in der Steiermark und Salzburg sowie einer verstärkten Zusammenarbeit der größeren Anbieter gekennzeichnet.
Figure 29: Prime time market shares in 2005 In radio broadcasting, [...]
the year 2005 saw the launch of Austria's first nationwide
private radio station 'Kronehit' in January, the first private radio license renewals for two private stations in Styria and Salzburg, as well as increased cooperation among the larger broadcasters on the market.
Der Zeitbereich ist logisch in Frames verschiedener Länge
[...] unterteilt, deren kleinste Einheit der'Time Slot'ist.
The time domain is divided logically into frames of different
[...] length, the smallest unit being known as a timeslot.
Da diese Sender jedoch aufgrund der ihnen auferlegten
[...] [...] nicht ausdehnen können und insbesondere zur'Prime Time'keine Werbung ausstrahlen dürfen, ist die [...]
Möglichkeit einer Verlagerung
von Werbeumsätzen auf die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender äußerst begrenzt.
However, since the latter, with their compulsory restriction of
[...] [...] advertising times, and are not allowed to broadcast any advertising in prime time, it is most unlikely [...]
that advertising
[...] die Variation derTime-SlotEinstellungen eine [...]
Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate der Transponder zur Folge hatte.
[...] that modified time slot settings resulted [...]
in an improved transponder recognition rate.
Fünf Jahre dauerte die Entwicklung der Drehbücher und die Finanzierung eines der aufwendigsten und teuersten Fernsehfilme der UFA
[...] [...] Erstausstrahlung in derPrime Timedes ZDF mit einem [...]
Marktanteil von 23,5 % und 8,45 Millionen
It took five years to develop the script and arrange financing for one of the most lavish and expensive television movies ever made by UFA and ZDF, which has actually exceeded expectations by
[...] [...] first shown at prime time; it was seen by [...]
8.45 million viewers on that occasion.
Auch die im April ausgestrahlte Familienshow 'Frag doch mal die Maus' mit
[...] [...] überzeugte in derPrime-Timemit 6,1 Millionen [...]
Zuschauern und einer Quote von ebenfalls
19,7 Prozent bei allen Fernsehzuschauern ab drei Jahren.
In April the family show 'Frag doch mal die Maus',
[...] [...] suc cess in the prime time slot, with 6.1 million [...]
viewers and a quota of 19.7 per
cent too among all television viewers from the age of three.
Das professionelle Fernsehen, das darauf folgte, bestand aus Bildern vom Unglücksort, Politiker-Interviews, Experten-Interviews, Kurzbefragungen von Augenzeugen, Abfilmen von offiziellen Trauerfeiern,
[...] [...] enttäuschenden, weltweit inPrime-Timeausgestrahlten Film [...]
über eine New Yorker Feuerwehrstation,
der den Eindruck nicht vermeiden konnte, dass die armen Feuerwehrleute an dem Tag völlig hilf- und ratlos gewesen sind.
The professional television that followed was comprised of pictures from the site of destruction, interviews with politicians, witnesses recounting their experience, official mourning ceremonies on film, discussions on television and finally a disappointing film
[...] [...] broadcast worldwide in prime time, in which the impression [...]
was unavoidably gained that the
poor firemen were totally helpless and at a loss on that fateful day.
die beiden untersuchten Sendezeiträume
[...] (gesamter Tag undPrime Time)ein Preisunterschied [...] [...]
den GRP-Preisen von France 2, France 3 und M6 und dem GRP-Preis von TF1.
[...] 2, France 3 and M6 are around EUR 83 per [...]
unit of GRP lower than those charged by TF1
during the two periods examined (over the whole day and at peak viewing times).
Im DMX-Jargon wird oft das Wort 'slot' für DMX-Kanal
gebraucht, da beim DMX-Sendevorgang jedem DMX-Kanal ein
[...] bestimmtes Zeitintervall(time slot)im Sendezyklus zugeordnet ist.
In DMX slang sometimes the word 'slot' is used as synononym for
DMXchannel because during DMX transmission every DMX channel is
[...] represented by a specific time slot in the transmission cycle.
[...] Sie den Zeitschlitz(Time Slot,TS) für den Verkehrskanal wählen.
[...] you can select the time slot (TS) used for the traffic [...]
[...] durch die Position('time slot')ihrer Datenbytes im [...]
DMX-Zyklus relativ zum Startbyte.
[...] defined by the time position ('slot') of their data [...]
bytes within the cyclic DMX package.
die Erkennungsrate des
[...] KLT-Versuchsaufbaus mit 96 Transpondern bei verschiedenen Einstellungen derTime-Slot-Anzahl zeigen
[...] recognition rates of the KLT test setup with 96 transponders at different time slot settings
Bei gleicher Einstellung der Anlagenparameter(Time-Slot-Anzahl und Re-Read-Versuche) liegt die Zahl zuverlässig erkennbarer Transponder in zweidimensionaler Anordnung auf einer Ebene (siehe Vorversuche) deutlich über der dreidimensionalen [...] [...]
A two-dimensional setup on one level (see preliminary tests) results in a significantly higher number of reliably recognised transponders than in a three-dimensional setup with (empty) KLTs, if the parameter settings are identical.
In derPrime Timezeigt DMAX eine Vielfalt deutscher Eigenproduktionen, [...]
die mehr als 50 Prozent der Programmfläche einnehmen,
und internationale Lizenzformate: darunter Doku-Serien, Magazine und Real-People- Formate, die das Leben interessanter Menschen begleiten und spannende, männerrelevante Themen präsentieren.
DMAX shows a wide range of German prime time productions, which [...]
take up more than 50 per cent of broadcasting time, and
international licence formats, including docu-series, magazine programmes and »real people« formats which accompany the lives of interesting people and which present exciting topics of relevance to men.
oder soweit dieses nötig ist, um eine missbräuchliche Verwendung unserer Angebote oder Services, insbesondere eine Nutzung unter
[...] [...] Geschäftsbedingungen derPrime TimeEntertainment AG [...]
oder besondere Nutzungsbedingungen in
or, when necessary, to prevent the misuse of our offerings or services in a legally acceptable way - in particular the use of our offerings and services while
[...] [...] Conditions of Prime Time Entertainment AG or [...]
while in breach of its specific conditions for use.
derzeit einziger Anbieter am Markt, der spezielle Lösungen für
[...] Massenanwendungen imPrime TimeTV Umfeld umgesetzt hat.
With its 'Participate' voting products, arvato mobile
is currently the only provider on the market that has implemented specific bulk
[...] application solutions for prime time TV.
[...] entwickelte die MME Entertainment für RTL diePrime-Time-Version 'Einsatz in 4 Wänden - Extrem', die [...]
nach dem Quotenerfolg
der beiden Pilotsendungen (23,5% in der Zielgruppe) im Laufe des zweiten Halbjahres als wöchentliche Produktion mit Tine Wittler als Moderatorin in Serie geht, während das tägliche Format in der Moderation von Almut Kook weitergeführt wird.
[...] developed an 'extreme' primetime version called Einsatz in 4 Wänden - Extrem for RTL. On the strength of [...] [...]
ratings (23.5% in the target group) this version is now to be made into a weekly series hosted by Tine Wittler in the second half-year, with the daily show being continued with host Almut Kook.
Für die RTLPrime-Timeerfolgte in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2005 der Produktionsstart für die achtteilige Doku-Soap 'Bauer sucht Frau' (MME Entertainment), die zur Ausstrahlung im Herbst vorgesehen ist.
The first half of 2005 saw the start of production of the eight-episode docu-soap Bauer sucht Frau (Farmer Seeks Maid - MME Entertainment) for RTL Prime-Time, scheduled to be aired this autumn.
Die SektorenPrime, TimeLapse und Alarm können [...]
gleichzeitig mit einstellbarer Aufnahmegeschwindigkeit aufnehmen: Jede Kamera
kann mit verschiedenen Kombinationen von Geschwindigkeit, Empfindlichkeit, Reaktion auf Umwelteinflüsse (Bewegungserkennung) und/oder elektronische Eingänge (externe Alarme) programmiert werden.
The sectors Prime, Time Lapse and Alarm can [...]
simultaneously record at a customized recording speed: each single camera can
be programmed with different combinations of speed, sensitivity, response to environmental inputs (motion detection) and/or electronic inputs (external alarms).
TimeCode Option für den rückseitigenSlot,ergänzt das Fireface mit [...]
Time Code Option to be inserted in the rear slot, adding LTC and Video [...]
Die Softwareparameter, wie z.B.Time-Slot-Einstellungen können [...]
entsprechend der zu erfassenden Transponderzahl bzw. der Datenmenge optimiert werden.
[...] parameters, for example time slot settings, can be optimised [...]
depending on the number of transponders to be
Wird z.B. bei GSM nur einTime-Slot(Zeitschlitz) belegt, [...]
so zeigt er nur 1/8 des Pulses als gemittelten Wert an.
[...] signal only needs one time slot, it will only show [...]
1/8 of the pulse as an average value.
[...] wiederum habe einen anderenTime-Slotfür diese Bestimmung nutzen [...]
müssen, den Italien als ordnungsgemäß
übertragen erachtet, und zwar im Einklang mit der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 95/93 des Rates vom 18. Januar 1993 über gemeinsame Regeln für die Zuweisung von Zeitnischen auf Flughäfen in der Gemeinschaft (24 ).
[...] to use another slot for that destination, a slot which Italy [...]
regards as lawfully transferred
under Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 January 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports (24 ).
Diese Meldung sollte nur von Inland AIS Stationen gesendet werden, um einen ETA Bericht an eine Schleuse, Brücke
[...] [...] eines Zeitschlitzes(time slot)für die Ressourcenplanung [...]
(resource planning) zu senden.
stations only, to send an ETA report to a lock, bridge or terminal in
[...] order to apply for a time slot in resource planning.
[...] widerspricht, ist diePrime TimeEntertainment AG [...]
sowie ggf. ihre Sponsor- und Branding-Partner
sowie Tochterun-ternehmen darüber hinaus berechtigt, die erhaltenen Daten zur Beratung des Kunden, zur Werbung, zur Marktforschung für eigene Zwecke und zur bedarfsgerechten Gestaltung ih-rer Angebote zu erheben, zu verarbeiten und zu nutzen.
[...] does not object, Prime Time Entertainment AG and [...]
their sponsor and branding partners reserve
the right to collect, process and use the acquired data for consulting purposes, for advertising and market research as well as for the need-based design of their offers.
Alles, wo das Europäische Parlament nicht wirklich etwas zu
[...] [...] nichts Verbindliches - wird in derprime timeangesetzt und diskutiert, und die [...]
wenigen Gesetzgebungsakte,
die in dieser - im Übrigen völlig überflüssigen - zwölften Plenarsitzung in Straßburg angesetzt sind - verstecken wir in die Nachtsitzung.
Wherever Parliament does not really have anything to say - at least, nothing binding -
[...] [...] and discussed during prime time, whilst the few legislative acts scheduled [...]
for this twelfth plenary
sitting in Strasbourg - which is otherwise completely superfluous - are tucked away in the evening sitting.
Für diePrime Timelagen die mittleren GRP-Werte [...]
von TF1 zwischen 10,3 und 12,8, die von France 2 zwischen 5,7 und 6,1,
die von France 3 zwischen 3,4 und 4,1 und die von M6 zwischen 3,4 und 4,4.
During peak viewing times, TF1's average GRP [...]
varied between 10,3 and 12,8 points, whereas that of France 2 varied between
5,7 and 6,1 points, that of France 3 between 3,4 and 4,1 points and that of M6 between 3,4 and 4,4 points.
Dazu gehören diePrime TimeShow 'Tims Team' mit [...]
Tim Mälzer und Produktion eines großen Show-Events für den Samstagabend
This includes the prime time format 'Tim's Team' [...]
with Tim Mälzer and the production of a big Saturday night show event for
Sat.1 which both have been moved to the beginning of 2007.
Weiterhin schließt diePrime TimeEntertainment AG ihre Haftung bei Serviceleistungen, insbesondere beim Download von durch diePrime TimeEntertainment AG zur Verfügung gestellten Dateien auf den Internetseiten derPrime TimeEntertainment AG, für leicht fahrlässige Pflichtverletzungen aus, sofern [...] [...]
Leben, Gesundheit oder Körper betreffen oder Ansprüche nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz berührt sind.
Furthermore, Prime Time Entertainment AG does not maintain liability for slightly negligible breaches of duty in the provision of services, especially including the downloading of data that has been provided by Prime Time Entertainment AG on the Internet sites of Prime Time Entertainment AG, provided [...] [...]
main components of a customer contract, do not concern the loss of life, health, or bodily injury, and/or do not fall under entitlements as listed in the German Product Liability Act.