
Slots Op Schiphol

Vanaf dinsdag 18.00 uur, morgen, moeten buitenlandse reizigers uit risicogebieden een negatieve PCR-test laten zien als zij Nederland binnenkomen. Ook moeten zij een Negative Test Declaration invullen. Anders komen ze het land niet binnen. Het kabinet wil door middel van een strenge lockdown de. Met een straal van 10km leegte los je niks op, ik zelf woon een kilometer of 20 van schiphol, maar heb nog steeds overvliegende vliegtuigen die enorme herrie maken. Trouwens als de huidige politiek verder gaat zullen ze na 2023 vrolijk verder uitbreiden, want omwonenden maken niks uit. Schiphol airport’s position as an airfreight hub is under pressure. Cargo companies are choosing other airports. “It’s not ideal, but the Netherlands will continue to have a leading role as a hub in the international flower trade”, expects Rogier Spoel, policy officer air and sea cargo with evofenedex. It is expected that potential buyers of secondary slots include KLM and airlines for which Schiphol is an important part of their network, such as easyJet, Transavia and TUI. Potential sellers include airlines for which surrounding (regional) airports are a viable alternative and for freight carriers.

Slots can be requested, updated and cancelled in two different methods; SCR/GCR and Online coordination. When applying for slots, airlines act in conformity with the IATA Standard Schedules Information Manual (SSIM).

ACNL is connected to the online coordination system e-Airportslots. Through e-Airportslots, airlines and operators are able to retrieve currently allocated slots, as well as – if opened for coordination actions – submit change/revises and update the waitlist.

The working procedure Instructions for slot requests for Commercial and General Aviation is applicable which describes which message format shall be used when requesting slots at AMS/EHAM.

Periodevan 12-04-2019 tot 29-04-2019
DGDirectoraat-generaal Vervoer (MOVE) i
CategorieOpenbare raadpleging i



Pursuant to Article 19 (3) of Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 September 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community, on 29 March 2019 the European Commission received notification from The Netherlands of a draft Decree establishing the Dutch traffic distribution rule between Schiphol airport and Lelystad airport. The proposed rules, when adopted and entered into force, will distribute traffic between Schiphol and Lelystad Airport on the following basis:

  • Lelystad Airport will be designated as a coordinated airport within the meaning of the Council (ECC) No 95/93 of 18 January 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports since the entry into force of the Decree.
  • An airline voluntarily moving a point-to-point flight from Schiphol to Lelystad airport will get, without prejudice to the Slot Regulation, priority for obtaining a slot at Lelystad Airport. Only in case of equal priority under the Slot Regulation, priority will subsequently be given to traffic originating from Schiphol.
  • A slot made available at Schiphol airport as a result of an airline moving a point-to-point flight to Lelystad airport has to be used at Schiphol for transfer flight. A slot is made available at Schiphol when an airline voluntarily hands it back to the slot coordinator or to another airline, or henceforth uses it to operate transfer flights.

Summarised, transfer flights are flights to destinations that at Schiphol Airport have an average transfer rate of at least 10%. Point-to-point-flights are flights to destinations that at Schiphol Airport have an average transfer rate of less than 10%.

The destinations that meet these criteria are specified in annexes to the Decree.

Airlines can substantiate ex ante before the Ministry that a destination not included in the annex of transfer destinations will be served with an average transfer percentage at least 10%.


Slots Op Schiphol Map

The priority rule will apply in first instance to the first 10,000 slots available for commercial traffic at Lelystad Airport and after an evaluation - and approval of the European Commission - for the slots up to and including 25.000. Within three years from the entry into force of the Traffic Distribution rule, the Dutch authorities will report to the Parliament and the European Commission on the effectiveness, impact and proportionality of the Decree, focusing on the available market capacity and access of new entrants to the Dutch aviation market.

The complete text can be found under the following annexes:

  • Annex 1: Notificatiedocument VVR DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)
  • Annex 2: AMvB verkeersverdelingsregel DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)
  • Annex 3: Nota van toelichting DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)
  • Annex 4: Artikelsgewijze toelichting bij AMvB DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)
  • Annex 5: Regeling verkeersverdelingsregel DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)
  • Annex 6: Toelichting bij regeling DEF (English unofficial translation by the Dutch authorities)

The European Commission invites interested parties to submit their comments by 29 April 2019 to:

Slots Op Schiphol Terminal

Slots Op Schiphol

European Commission

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport

Slots Op Schiphol Hotel

Unit E1 aviation policy

DM24 05/100

Slots Op Schiphol Op

B-1049 Brussels

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